Check Test Status with AWTA

Talman has made an update to the existing Check Test Status program. This allows the user to send a request to the AWTA network for the current status of testing for their outstanding wool. Matching on the Internal Reference Number in the Talman system, the check program will produce a report outlining the following points.

1. Client code.
2. Charge code.
3. L/S sample ID.
4. Core sample received.
5. L/S Sample received.
6. TRV matched. Position
7. Core Sample Check test.
8. L/S retuft Required.
9. L/S retuft Received.
10. Core Test Recore Required.
11. Core Test Recore Required.
12. Check for matching lots IRN (LH_refno) Vs weight. If the number does not match, this will be reported.

Please note, to access the reported data from AWTA, you are required to contact AWTA to set this up on their end also.
This is available now, and any users who would like to utilise this are invited to reach out to Talman support on +61 2 8831 6391 or

21st August 2023